January 15, 2016

Wanted : any old lappy for fb, netflix email

Wanted : any old lappy for fb, netflix email

just asking for a friend,telling the truth here he and his 6m preggers misses lost there flat and were living on the track station where there is a few empty buildings. They finally got a place and would like a cheap lappy to to do the basics like above.
Its not for me I have my work computers but anyone willing to sell a cheap lappy Ill pay for it and you can give it to him.
I put them up when I found out for a week which in a one bedrooms the best I could do till we found them some accommodation and its one of FM’s properties basically a cell sharing a shower with 5 other tenants.
I wrote my communications essay on him and his troubles and there decent people but there like the forgotten Irish, they would love a place in the country, 3 kids in all one with special needs, and yet we are housing the syrians.

Hope you dont mind me posting:thumbsup2:

edit, 3 of the kids are with family till they get proper accmodation

Source: Wanted : any old lappy for fb, netflix email