April 13, 2016

Wanted : Cbr 250 rr

Wanted : Cbr 250 rr

Hello everyone,

I am looking for a clean example of a CBR 250 RR MC22 to buy (preferably L model).

I am looking for a collectible model so it needs to be spotless.

So far I’ve seen 2 that got my attention :


So if any of you have seen them before and can tell me more about them, that would be greatly appreciated as it will save me a weekend to go there and find out about.

Also, on another topic, I would like to know if the difference between the CBR 250 RR (L) and (R) models is noticeable.

I know there is a 5hp difference and a lower rpm limiter, but is it something that could be tweaked?

Thanks for your help.

Source: Wanted : Cbr 250 rr