June 29, 2015

A2 and A1 licences

A2 and A1 licences

Hey guys I’ve looked around for this and haven’t been able to find a definitive answer, basically I am 20 now and want to get a bike on the road.

I have a ybr 125 which I would be happy enough to learn on for a year or so as its cheap to insure, I was wondering if I was to do the theory and apply for an A2 license, do my IBT on a 400 that they rent at the training centre and get a learner permit for an A2, could I still insure and use a 125 for a while before getting a 400 in a year or 18 months to do my test on? I just wouldn’t have the money to insure a 400 first time round and would prefer a small bike to get the feel of it. Id just hate to waste two years on an A1 and then have to move up a license grade.

I’m only wondering because when I was looking for a quote on libertys website for the ybr they only had A and A1 as the license options.


Source: A2 and A1 licences