May 21, 2015

Failed driving test. looking for pointers in two specific areas

Failed driving test. looking for pointers in two specific areas

The nephew failed his test a few weeks qgo and is resitting it soon. He was asking me for advice in these two areas . Sure its years since I did it and I’m sure there have been changes since then. ( it was probably the last time I fully adhered to the rules of the road anyhow!)
Anyway, a couple he was marked against and isnt sure what to do are as follows: road position stopped to make a right hand turn? The other is if you can cross the white line at traffic lights turning right even if there is a car in the painted box for turning? (Does it apply to green light as well as right hand filter lights)

Thanks lads and maybe I should brush up myself given I don’t really know either.

Source: Failed driving test. looking for pointers in two specific areas