March 29, 2015

fiberglassing old petrol tank.. DONT DO IT

fiberglassing old petrol tank.. DONT DO IT

Hello everyone, about 5 weeks ago i decided to refurbish an old petrol tank for my fzr project, after reading online and i think it was mentioned somewhere on this form, i decided to use fiberglass resin on the inside of my petrol tank to prevent any further rusting. so i made up a batch of "david’s fastglas glass fibre kit" which is the yellow box you see around the place. i thought this was a pretty fool proff way of doing it since there are fibre glass petrol tanks.

made it up, poured a dicent amount into the tank and kept rotating it for about half an hour until it stuck to the sides without sliding down to the bottom. i then left it there for 4 weeks to cure (really overkilling it) and had it beside the range for extra heat. it was FULLY cured.

last week i mounted the tank, put petrol into it and fired up the bike. worked perfect…

i was away for the week so today i went to start up the bike again, it wouldnt start so i opened the tank to make sure it had petrol, it had but i rubbed my finger on the inside of the tank on a bit of the resin and it was mushy.. i got a stick and scraped the bottom of the tank and it was covered in resin as if it was straight out of the bottle!! i was unbelievably pissed off to say the least… :bash:

i managed to wash everything off and save the petcock and fuel pump, drained the carbs and started it up, pumping clean petrol up from a jerrycan so i think the carbs are grand.. just at the loss of a petrol tank. :sweatdrop:

the moral of the story is DONT DO IT… i did it so you dont have to :lbhbh:

Source: fiberglassing old petrol tank.. DONT DO IT