July 30, 2016

Honda. Not caring anymore.

Honda. Not caring anymore.

Got the Pricelist for Honda Motorcycles 2016 (Ireland) earlier in the week. No Pan European, just the CTX1300, no Deauville, just the CTX700. No VFR 1200 and of cource the CBR1100XX is long gone, and nothing like it.There is now no proper tourer or sports tourer in the Honda range, apart from the 1800 Goldwing. The Fireblade and VFR800 have survived, but that seems to be purely for Race Homologation reasons.

It either means they are planning a VFR/ST/NT replacement, or they have given up. BMW/Kawasaki/Yamaha/Triumph/Moto Guzzi will be most pleased. Or else they are banking everything on the success of the Africa twin. The rest seem to be cage engines cut in half, stuck into a bike frame and any remains of a soul removed.

The end is nigh.

Source: Honda. Not caring anymore.