December 1, 2014

kick start engineering

kick start engineering

hi everyone, apologies if this has already been covered but after searching i couldnt find much on it.

i am going to need to restrict my fzr 600 to be able to ride it with my A2 license. when inquiring in a few different places about prices it was coming to about €300 and everyone was saying it was because of the cost of the kits. i finally got a price from a place in dublin to do it for €150 and said they are able to do it for cheaper because they got a new supplier called "kick start engineering". so when i got back home i had an aul google search to see what i could find, and kickstart engineering is on ebay with their kits for about €75 and supply you with all the documents needed.

so all that is grand…BUT…

in the FAQ’s it mentions that
" MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC CAN LEGALLY FIT RESTRICTOR KITS AT HOME IN A `DIY` MANNER AND SELF CERTIFICATE THE FITMENT IF THEY WISH. This is NOT accepted by Irish Insurance Broker `LIBERTY` —— Scottish Insurance Brokers `H&R` will require a dyno report from the restricted machine following `DIY` fitment (Any additional Insurance Brokers with similar company policies will be listed here once I`m aware)."

so im wondering if anybody has had any dealings with them and how recognized are they? also if i need a dyno report any ballpark ideas on the prices?

Source: <a href="kick start engineering” alt=”kick start engineering” title=”kick start engineering”>irish bikers