September 24, 2015

MAG Ireland Coup d'état

MAG Ireland Coup d’état

The MAG Ireland AGM is taking place this Saturday at Bradys bar and lounge, Dunboyne, Co. Meath at 1pm.

Click the image to open in full size.

This is NOT an attempt at recruiting members but an honest call for those genuinely interested in becoming more involved and proactive.

After a number of years of unselfish commitment, some board members are stepping down, and in the absence of replacements the only other option would be for MAG Ireland to enter a winding down.

Ideally the association needs 8-10 active members on the board.

Most of the work done is not pretty, but spread out won’t take up a whole lot of time (but will take some).

If you are genuinely interested, existing board members are happy to speak with anyone beforehand to give an insight into what’s involved and expected.

Worst case, Dunboyne is the gateway to some of the best biking roads in the county and the spirit of Dunboyne rally is also running that day (incidentally, they are also looking for volunteers to marshal).

Thanks for reading and hopefully this has done enough to inspire some of you to become involved, I will be nominating myself as president and Chopper Poleon as treasurer, and all those who second this will get free pints and bacon fries until such time as, including but not limited to, being thrown off the premises.

Source: MAG Ireland Coup d’état