December 12, 2014

Mick Barry Cork, another talent

Mick Barry Cork, another talent

Jimgoose posted that Mick passed way on wonder if he knew that Mick was more than just a bowler

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To quote Mr Goose


RIP Mick Barry, the mighty man who lofted a 16 oz. road-bowl over the Viaduct on St. Patrick’s Day 1955. He was possibly the greatest bowler ever and passed away peacefully on Saturday at the age of 95.

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Mick had another talent unknown to most. he was the only man I know that could properly replace and tune a spoked motorcycle wheel, Motorcycle shops in the 1970’s and ’80’s taking in crashed bikes used to send the damaged wheels to Mick to be repaired, remember seeing him doing this back in the day before alloy wheels became the norm.
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Mick developed Alzheimers in later life
RIP Mick.

Source: Mick Barry Cork, another talent