September 18, 2016

The joys of biking

The joys of biking

So I’m writing this post from a hospital bed, and this is the reason that i got back on the bike after a few years off. Got my first bike at 5years old and was fortunate that had lots of land to ride on, had bikes then continuously up until I was about 20, when I then sold the bike planing to buy somting bigger but never happened, as the parents wer giving me grief saying that i had no need for bike ect, also girlfriend/now wife wasn’t keen on the whole idea. Well life got busy, work, building house, gettin married, no money ect but the love of biking never disappeared, and only getting the odd run out on a mates bike. So about three years ago I unexpectully ended up in hospital with heart problems (29 years old, consider myself above avrage fitness) which turned out to be quite a lot of heart related issues (plumbing and electrical ) it was quite a kick in the ass and when I was in the bed on bad form, the wife would buy me bike mags to cheer me up… I think this opened her eyes to what it ment to me because when I got home, she started to relent and eventually agreed to hiring a bike in Spain for a few days touring… she had never been in a bike before and was a bit nervous, before we went I bought a helmet comunication set( best investment ever) and off we went. When we came out of the airport only then it struck her that we wer going to be in the otherside of the road, anyway weather was great & she loved it. Rolll on six months and I bought a gs 1150adv and started planin out Europe tour which we did last summer, austria,germany,iatly,alpine passes, tent+sleeping bags the whole works. At this stage she was totally at ease with the whole thing, another fantastic holiday. Move on another year and we have just had a baby 8wks ago so things change again, sold the gs, bought a cbr600, but the wife now looks at bikes in a whole new light having spent so many miles on the back of one.yes they can be dangrous but if ridden responsibly they can create the best of memories. Anyway there is no real point to this post other than to share my experience as I find myself back in hospital today after a heart related mishap during the night, laying on the bed looking out the window, where my return to bikeing all started. Funny how things happen

Source: The joys of biking