July 23, 2015

Too many connection's. ..

Too many connection's. ..

Hello all

Question for anyone who electrical minded.

I’ve a Honda Deauville 08 and earlier in the year I fitted hot grips as the winter weather was killing the fun of the daily commute. Then I through on the 12v socket to charge the phone while out on a spin.

Got a PIMA using the phone as a satnav & was lucky enough to get a Zumo (thanks again for the heads up on that offer). fitted it last night. Delighted with it.

What’s worrying me is have I connected too much to the battery. ??

All the wires are fused separately and well insulated not worried about a short, but concerned that in the winter if I’m running all three at once the output will exceed the imput and drain the sh1t out of the battery?

Currently not using a charger, never needed to and always check that everything is turned off after the fun has ended. But wondering will I need to jump start sooner or later?

Was thinking of buying a trickle charger but is it really necessary?

Any thoughts?

Source: Too many connection's. ..