May 19, 2015

You dont have to be a cunt to drive a bmw cage….

You dont have to be a cunt to drive a bmw cage….

well actually you do.
Filtering stopped traffic on the right this evening, wanted to get into left lane so stopped and stuck on indicator, moved front wheel in between two cages and made a gesture with my noggin to the one behind, a fucking cunting bmw, and when the lights changed and I went to move in, the cunt actually tried to force me back out. Thankfully I noticed, was fucking livid so held my ground and the cunt had 3 or 4 more attempts to push me back out. Id have more respect if the cunt just had the balls to hit me, rather than behave like that. Dangerous scum. First time in 10+ years biking Ive had that/
In my experience, bmw drivers are to a man cunts.

Rant over!

Source: You dont have to be a cunt to drive a bmw cage….