November 20, 2014

guinters, admits yes melandri is a bit of a cnut

guinters, admits yes melandri is a bit of a cnut…i&newsid=13508

The way he behaved in the first race made no sense; it was ridiculous really. If you’re following team orders, you either follow them properly or you don’t. So I’ve got more respect for him in the second race when he didn’t and he won the race,” said Guintoli. “In the first race, we were so well ahead that we weren’t even racing. I had rolled it off and was controlling Johnny, who was about ten seconds behind, and I was not racing because I knew we had team orders in a situation like that. But he came past me as if to say ‘I am faster than you’ and if there had been a red flag he would have taken the points off me. “Then he rolled it off and made a big drama with the waving as if to say ‘you come past me now, blah, blah’. It was just a bit ridiculous. In the end, he gave me five points but I won the championship by six so it made zero difference.” – See more at:….bFSetxKH.dpuf

Source: irish bikers