June 27, 2015

Thanks Nev

Thanks Nev
big thanks Nev for telling me about the View Today’s Posts tag at the top of the page , I had not noticed that before you told me about it , I had bookmarked the site while on the TT section so every time I logged on it opened up on the TT page , so when I ventured on to other sections I used to post something then forget which section I had put it in when I wanted to check if there had been any answers , and with the amount of sections there are (19 I think it was on the site map ) I frequently got lost and could not find it , but  now I have found the Today’s posts button and bookmarked that I find it  far easier , cheers Nev if I was going to return to the TT Tea meeting you would be in line for a tea on me  , pity I wont be there any more ,

Source: Thanks Nev