July 28, 2018

Safe parking in Dublin

Safe parking in Dublin

Hey guys,

I am currently on a motorbike trip through the British Isles with my girlfriend. 6000km done in the last 3 weeks, 2000 more to go in the next week. As our last stop in Ireland we will be in Dublin for 2 nights starting tomorrow. I know I’m not the first one to ask but whenever someone said “just park it [insert place here]” 3 posts later someone said that his/her bike got stolen/damaged/whatever exactly there. We will be close to the Bridewell garda station north of River Laffey but according to Google maps the sidewalks right at the station are too narrow to park 2 bikes.

We did bring a 10mm Abus steel chain which is long enough to lock the bike frames to each other but one of the bikes is quite valuable so I’m a little afraid.

Does anyone know about safe parking spaces somewhere? Paying is not an issue. At least not as big as losing one of the bikes would be. Any ideas if there are guarded parking lots somewhere in the vicinity? It’s only 2 nights so if it costs 15€ per bike and day then that’s what it is. I’ll ask at the garda station if it’s okay to park right in front but I guess they won’t care too much. After all, they should make sure that bike thefts don’t happen. From what I read they not doing that too well….

Thanks and Regards from Wicklow


Source: Safe parking in Dublin