December 15, 2014

crash bungs,protectors

crash bungs,protectors

ive got lower fairings for the 02 fazer and there is a hole lower down for a crash bung. the problem is when ive the fairings lined up with the front fairing and the mounting holes the hole for the crash bung isnt lining up with either bolt hole in the frame its some where between the two ,how can i tell which type of crash bung to buy or would it be ok for me to make my own bungs with steel pipe and some sort of rubber cap over the end,that way i could make the bungs to suit the fairings rather than trying to line up the fairing with one of the holes in frame..can anyone see any problem with using a steel pipe to make bungs ?? ive read that they can dig in if slid into grass or curb and destroy the frame but if that happens id say the bike would be shaged main worry is the bike falling over at very low speed or falling off the stand and dont wanna make a bollix of fairings ,,and i love the challenge of doing things myself :thumbsup2:
Source: crash bungs,protectors