November 19, 2018

Electrical issues and the aul' sv650

Electrical issues and the aul’ sv650

Right lads, i know that problems in the electrics are unheard of in matters of sv650’s :lbhbh::lbhbh: but here’s mine right now: finished work, started the engine with a bit of choke for good measure and allowed her to warm up for about 2 mins. Put my sexy leg over, sat my arse comfortably and got ready to go. As I switched on the lights i noticed the revv counter dancing a bit. Previous experience told me there’s an issue with the supply of electricity but i figured it’ll be grand since the engine was already running. Gave her a rev or two and as i was getting ready to shift into 1st and go she went dark.

Checked the battery, bolts, leads. Put the battery on charger. Checked the fuse box. Nothing happens. Well, something worth noting- the heated grips still get juice from the battery and get warm. But other than that not even a flinch when i turn the ignition on. I did what i knew, now i turn to the wise men’s council. Halp!

Source: Electrical issues and the aul’ sv650