October 31, 2018

Help with wiring and electrics

Help with wiring and electrics

I’m shit with electrics… never really got my hands dirty with it but theres a first time for everything.

I’m trying to fit auxiliary lights to my bike for the winter.

I’ve had a go at extending the shitty 6 inch wire that came with the lights, to around 1.5 metres of 17 amp black and red wires from Halfrauds by soldering them together (first time trying this soldering stuff…). It’s not pretty but seems to be a solid joint.

The wire from the lights seems to have slightly less strands than the wire I ‘m extending it with, is that a problem?

I don’t have a specific Dielectric grease to waterproof the joints before heat shrinking… does anyone know if this stuff would be Dielectric?

As far as connecting it to the bike… luckily thats the easy part… just have to connect a plug to the wires and plug into can bus tool on the bike so no fuses or relays.

Cheers :bikerie:

Source: Help with wiring and electrics