July 8, 2015

Ordering/Buying OEM Parts Bikes

Ordering/Buying OEM Parts Bikes

Hi all.

I am currently doing some work on GSXR. I’ve bought an OEM fender to replace the lucky bag yoke that was on it. I’ve been trying to get the OEM bolts and other pieces to finish it off.

The only websites I can find that sell and ship to Ireland are US sites. For 4 bolts that cost less than €3 it costs over €60 to ship them to Ireland.

Sites like bikebandit.com or motoSport is all I can seem to find that will give you a catalog of part numbers that you can just place the order directly. Anyone know of any sites based in UK or Ireland that have cheap shipping rates if it is across the water.


Source: Ordering/Buying OEM Parts Bikes