July 23, 2015

Taxi u-turned, I hit it — no damage

Taxi u-turned, I hit it — no damage

Taxi u-turned today in Ballsbridge, no mirror check and no indicator, totally unexpected and without warning. Was very little traffic so he must’ve thought he had the road to himself. I broke hard, skidded, kept her up, did my best but ultimately, hit the taxi. Only moved my mirror a bit, I was fine. Pretty sure the car was fine too. Thankfully I was on my 250, ‘cos I don’t think I would have kept the 800CC up.

He was very apologetic… I just shrugged it off and shook his hand through the window and left. Think he was very surprised to have gotten away so lightly.

That was my first proper collision. I wasn’t angry or shook at all which was odd, for me!

Source: Taxi u-turned, I hit it — no damage