January 22, 2015

Drilling tool steel ? help ! ! ! ! !

Drilling tool steel ? help ! ! ! ! !

so i decided after having a spill a few months ago on some diesel to treat myself to some new crash bungs to smarten back up the bike.

ebay job cheap and cheerful, 5 minute job. or so you might think.

When i was taking off the non damaged side the bolt snapped. first :censored:

Grand so drilled the centre of the bolt started at it with an easy out. there was no budge so i left it soaking in wd40 overnight.

Day two ……

So I warmed the engine up the heat up the bolt, nice and gently i started at it again with the easy out(cheap ebay ones) and the second :censored: moment.

the easy out snapped. Ive used about 15 drill bits all of which are in now in the bin trying to get that sucker drilled back out.

Im looking for somewhere in north dublin that sells Carbide drill bits.

My only other option would be to drop the engine and weld on a bolt and get it that way but its my only mode of transport and need it for work.

Any other ideas are more than welcome . I’m up shit creak

help me :bikerie:

Source: Drilling tool steel ? help ! ! ! ! !